The Enron Connection
The year 2000 is the beginning of the end of our public utility known as Ontario Hydro. Jim Wilson, present interim leader of the Ontario PC party, was the Minister of Energy in 2000. The rest is history, which brought us wind turbines, unnecessary closing of our coal plants, privatization and unmanageable price increases for electricity.
Attention: If you are a consumer of electricity you are unwittingly involved in a massive fraud!
The Sales Pitch- Hydro bills “may” drop 20%
Deregulation, amalgamation
(“may” definition – shall, must —used in law where the sense, purpose, or policy requires this interpretation)
Toronto Sun – Thursday, June 11, 1998
By James Wallace, Queen’s Park Bureau
Toronto consumers should be the first to benefit from plans to deregulate Ontario Hydro, Energy Minister Jim Wilson said yesterday.
The amalgamation of Toronto’s six local utilities and plans to end Ontario Hydro’s 92-year monopoly should substantially cut power bills in the city, he said.
Toronto Hydro has estimated bills could drop as much as 20%.
The Fraud Jim Wilson was the Minister of Energy in the Mike Harris PC government and was a central figure in the electrical system scam in Ontario
Mr. Wilson and the Harris government worked closely with Ken Lay and other Enron lobbyists to build an electrical system designed to hurt consumers and businesses.
The electrical scam in Ont. started with the Bob Rae NDP government when Maurice Strong, Rae’s god-father, broke up Ontario Hydro. The electricity scam continued through the Harris and McGuinty Governments. Today Premier Kathleen Wynne and the liberal party administer the Enron styled electrical rate manipulation scam. The OEB and the government use the frauds/deceptions of conservation and sustainable development “Agenda 21” as an excuse for the rate increases and as a front for the crimes being committed on the hard-working people of Ontario.
Aleck Dadson a former Enron lobbyist is COO at the OEB. The OEB sets the ever-increasing electricity rates you pay.
A letter from Ken Lay of Enron to energy minister Wilson in 2001.
The Honorable Jim Wilson July 5, 2001
Ministry of Energy, Science & Technology
Hearst Block, 4th Floor,
900 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M7A 2E1
Dear Minister Wilson,
John Lavorato and I would like to thank you, as well as Bryne Purchase, Judy Hubert and Rick Jennings, for taking the time to meet with us in Toronto on June 19. I was pleased to meet you again after your brief visit to Houston and to the Enron building last year.
John and I particularly appreciated the discussion with you and your colleagues about the opening of the Ontario electricity market. In our view, Ontario is well down the path towards creating an effective de-regulated electricity market. We would encourage the Government to move forward to market opening in accordance with the Market Readiness Plan adopted earlier this year by the Ontario Energy Board and the Independent Electricity Market Operator.
We understand that the Government has set a deadline of May 2002 for opening the market. From Enron’s perspective, we remain confident that the market can and should open earlier than that date. Establishing and adhering to an early market opening date will, in our view, assist the Government in ensuring a smooth and successful transition to the new competitive environment. As we discussed in our meeting, the Texas restructuring plan highlights the importance of a fixed date in attracting investment capital to the electricity sector.
My colleagues and I look forward to continuing our dialogue with the Government and, in particular with your Ministry, regarding electricity restructuring and related issues. Again, thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and your colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Lay
Enron Corp.
cc: Bryne Purchase
Deputy Minister
Judy Hubert
Assistant Deputy Minister
A revealing email by Aleck Dadson formally of Enron, Vice president of Energy Direct and now COO of the OEB-
From: To: Subject: Ken Lay/John Lavorato Briefing Material Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 05:50:00 -0700 (PDT) FYI
—– Forwarded by AleckDadson/TOR/ECT on 06/07/2001 01:00 PM —–Aleck Dadson
06/07/2001 12:48 PMTo: Paul Devries/TOR/ECT@ECT
Subject: Ken Lay/JohnLavorato Briefing MaterialI have attached the following: a) a high level outline of the speaking
points for Ken Lay and John Lavorato for their meetings with Premier Harris
and, I hope, Wilson, Purchase and Hubert; and b) a more detailed briefing
note which outlines: i) key developments since April 4 , ii) our position
re market opening and the key issues that have been raised against opening
the market this Fall, iii) differences between California and Ontario; and
iv) Enron’s assessment of the possible difficulties in NYC this Summer. I am
awaiting material from Houston to complete the piece on
NYC. One piece that I think needs to be added to the
detailed briefing note is an overview of Enron’s current commercial position
in Ontario – i.e. the renegotiation of the BE contract and the likelihood of
pursuing a retail initiative. You will see where I have left space for that
piece, hoping that you could draft it. I have endeavoured
in the outline of the speaking points to focus on what we know the key
issues/concerns for the government are at this stage. I
have asked Sasha Jacob to provide us with profiles of Harris, Wilson,
Purchase and Hubert to include in the final briefing package.
I have prepared the material on the assumption that the best use of
the meeting time (likely 45 minutes with Harris and 60 minutes with Wilson et
al) is: a) to make the case for proceeding with market opening this Fall
if th IMO and OEB reports re market readiness are positive; b) to provide
Harris et al with our perspective on developments in the U.S. (particularly
New York and California) about which the government may have continuing
concerns; and c) to ask Harris what we can do to help the gov’t move forward
to a market opening this year. Rick Shapiro left
me a voice mail indicating that Lavorato and he had spoken about the visit
and the supporting material. The agreement between the two of them is
evidently that Rob, you and I are all to be comfortable with the briefing
material before sending it to John, who will then review it and propose any
changes he feels are necessary before it is forwarded to Ken
Lay. I would appreciate your questions,
comments and suggested revisions.
Ontario Market Opening Conference Call
April 12, 2001
(Toronto – 10:00 a.m., Houston – 9:00 a.m.)
1. Where we are re: market opening
2. What we have done/What we are doing
3. What to do going forward
Ontario Market Opening Initiatives
Regulatory Initiatives
• Ongoing participation on OEB Retail Market Readiness Taskforce that defined market readiness plan in retail sector; that Plan targets retail readiness by early September 2001 and “live market operations” late October/early November 2001
• Broad representation and participation on the committees/taskforces that are overseeing the testing/commissioning of the IMO systems
• Ongoing contact with OEB, IMO and PricewaterhouseCoopers (key advisors to government on retail market readiness)
• Have built relationships with key newspapers, in particular Globe & Mail and National Post
• Virtually all supportive editorial coverage on market opening issue has been the result of our efforts (columns by Reguly in Globe & Mail and Corcoran in National Post)
• Corcoran is writing another article on market opening for April 17 (Corcoran interviewed Ken Lay on April 4th)
• Ken Lay on ROB TV (April 4)
• Ken Lay speech broadcast on Rogers Cable and C-PAC
• Mac Penney (GPC) appears (with message) on CBC and TV Ontario re: market opening (latest is April 12) (est. reach 280,000 Ontario households on each occasion)
Queen’s Park Contact/Lobbying
• Numerous meetings with key ministry and political staff contacts in Premier’s Office, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ontario Superbuild, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Ministry of the Environment (see contact list)
• Core messaging has been on the points made in Ken Lay’s speech
• Developed further message re: resource adequacy and pricing to address concerns raised by major power consumers about Fall opening (have met re: same with Premier’s Office, Ministry of Energy, the IMO, and Superbuild – further meetings already arranged for Premier’s Office and Finance)
• Developing further message re: pricing, comparing what bulk power rates would have to be under regulation and what wholesale prices would be under competition (have retained Seabron Adamson/Kevin Wellenius to do analysis)
• Arranged for Toronto Board of Trade to adopt our messaging re: market opening in Fall and got them to hold press conference (March 15)
• Ken Lay speech at Board of Trade (April 4)
• Ken Lay lunch to introduce and press message re: market opening to three of Premier Harris’ key advisors on electricity issue – Bill Farlinger, Jim Baillie and David Lindsey
• Board of Trade events above dove tailed well with parallel “on message” event by Toronto Hydro (March 23)
Going Forward
• Lay meeting with Premier Harris – have been promised proposed dates from Premier’s Office by this Friday
• Attendance at Premier’s Reception and Dinner April 19 (PC Party fundraiser) – Bill Hawkins, key political advisor to the Premier on electricity issue will be at our table (Milnthorp, Shapiro, DeVries, Dadson, with 4 guests attending)
• Efforts to get some major industrial customers/consumer groups on side publicly with our message re: the Fall (I can detail what we are doing in that regard)
• Identify ways in which we can “lever” Enron systems to overcome any concern about distributor readiness (I can detail what we are doing/could do in that regard)
• Continue to press Independent Power Producers’ Society of Ontario to mount public advertising campaign comparable to IPPSA’s ads in Alberta
• Meetings with investment banks (message re: importance of early market opening to valuation of OPG assets)
• Potential retainer of Tom Long (Monitor) and Leslie Noble (Strategy Corp.), two key advisors to Premier Harris (note: Long had been invited to Ken Lay lunch but could not attend; Noble is key PC campaign organizer: she may be conflicted because of work for OPG; she is evidently advising, for political reason, that market opening be pushed off until after next election)
• Levering of US gov’t/ regulatory bodies re: reciprocity
Enron Canada
Ken Lay addressed a breakfast meeting of the Toronto Board of Trade on Wednesday, April 4, as part of the “Power Breakfast Series”. His topic
“Moving Forward with Electricity Deregulation.”
Before his speech, chairman of the Board of Trade commented that “this was the best attendance ever” at one of their breakfast meetings. After the meeting, Mr. Lay spoke with reporters from Reuters, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, and Report on Business TV emphasizing Enron’s commitment to deregulation of the Ontario power market.
BREAKING NEWS! October 3, 2014
I was found NOT GUILTY on all charges at the 3-day trial in Walkerton Court House.
Judge W. Rabley presiding.
August 16, 2013, I was arrested at Westario Power Inc. (Walkerton, Ontario) at the Customer Service counter, asking about our hydro bills & WPI illegal, unilateral contracts.
The week before CAO Murray Clarke told me that Westario Power is 90% public. They must answer all questions from the public.
WPI is not acting this way however.
Westario Power Staff involved: Lisa Milne (CEO), Janice Hallahan (she left the company 1 month after this happened, 13 years at WPI) & Tracey Vanness-Brzoska (CSM).
They all refused to answer questions on the electricity code changes being enforced & the illegal, OPP-escorted disconnects. Disconnects happening in the middle of billing disputes & service fee audits.
In the middle of brutal winters…
After one question, WPI staff walked away from the counter, refusing to answer & called 911 to have us removed. I was deemed an “UNWANTED PERSON”. (The new Walkerton OPP detachment was recently built right across the road. Police officers can be at the Customer Service Counter in 60 seconds.)
I was charged with trespass, failure to leave when asked & obstruction of a peace officer.
I was taken away in handcuffs, searched, my pant draw strings cut & removed. I was locked in a cell for 5 hours & police took my prints & pictures before I was found guilty of anything!
I never got access to counsel to explain what was happening.
I was told by PC Philip Schuessler & PC Jeff Dudley (Walkerton OPP) that they would hold me over the weekend if I did not sign the Promise to Appear papers.
Remember…..I was asking about our hydro bills.
It was revealed in court that the OPP are on private contract with Westario Power Inc.
Private contract means a personal security firm – but using public uniforms, cars & equipment.
I will be posting updates as this story continues….suffice it to say than since i was not guilty of trespassing, then Westario Power employees made a false 911 call.
There are potentially both corporate & personelle consequences for this “customer service” policy.
In the meantime, let me assure you of 2 things:
1. i have gone, & will continue to go, to any lengths when i see a municipal policy harming people, &
2. you do not need a lawyer to fight the Province in court….. and win…. – any questions, any topic, any time, from any one…. blessings